by themcmaste | Apr 4, 2014 | Uncategorized
When preparing to formulate their estate plan, I’m sure many people think “Can’t I just do this myself? Wouldn’t it be cheaper just to fill out a form online? After all, isn’t it just a matter of filling in the blanks?” Many people believe that they can simply write...
by themcmaste | Mar 21, 2014 | Uncategorized
Recently, Sally Abrahms published an article in the March 2014 AARP Bulletin highlighting the new technology that can allow elder adults to receive in-home care through the use of technology. Essentially, Ms. Abrahms stated that through use of a live-feed and remote...
by themcmaste | Mar 14, 2013 | Uncategorized
If you own a business of any kind, or even those who don’t, then you are very much aware of the importance of the National Collegiate Athletic Association’s upcoming basketball playoff system. Or as it’s more commonly referred to: “March Madness” or “The Final Four”....